Unfortunately, despite the US government's responsibility to protect citizen's rights, it is blatantly obvious that the government is following an alternative, deliberately destructive agenda including: rural cleansing of the resource-producing population, economic destabilization, runaway inflation, unrestrained immigration, illegal surveillance, the NAU, deteriorating infrastructure, ethnic disparity, de-population through war, disease, toxicity, and chemtrails; selective response to "natural" disasters, destruction of the middle class, seizure of private property and obliteration of God-given liberties - all at the hands of an elite ruling class - crony monopoly capitalists and war profiteers, intent on stealing and controlling the earth's resources, a contrived diminishing food supply and the surviving useless eaters, still obedient and moderately productive. What happened to that illusive balance of power? - go to: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Commentary/HAARP_Colorado.htm