a few years back my neighbors' son was busted for being in a gang and was given two choices; go to prison or join the military - and he chose the marines -- it then occurred to me there must be a very real connection between the rise of the military, and the rise of gangs -- for instance; 1) both the military and organized crime reward people for their violence; 2) both organizations are based upon combative and territorial us-against-them mentalities; 3) both use intimidation to get their way, 4) both are run in a heavy-handed, top-down fashion with limited liberties and freedom of speech; and 5) both are at least partially funded through the use of extortion (see also: taxation) - adding to this, the decline in education funding leads directly to an increase in illiteracy, which leads directly to either the military/industrial complex and/or the prison/industrial complex (and/or the restaurant/industrial complex)...
> the purposeful rise of violence within our society (fed by those 'violent latent homos' in the UFC etc) sets the tone for our violent young trainees by inculcating them into a much-needed barbaric mindstate (and often during sensitive teenage years, when decision making processes are not yet fully developed) - TV shows such as 'survivor' and 'big brother' etc which feature elimination of contestants as a focal point (see: CIA and/or MTV and/or VH1 and/or CBS etc -> TV 'reality' shows = TV surveillance shows which encourage us all to relinquish privacy and/or other shows which encourage violence within society by glorifying it) not only work to inculcate a much-needed division within our society (see also: hillary clinton) but also serve as a silent metaphor (and potent rallying cry) not only for war, but also for politics and/or organized crime in general, legitimizing everything from anti-illegal immigrant hatred; to the starvation and/or ruination of largely non-violent 'sex offenders' made to live out in the woods by christian and/or feminazi religious zealots (see: cruel and unusual punishment and/or double jeopardy) -> so what does this say about our nations' current isolationist nationalist stance?
IN CONCLUSION: street gangs essentially function as a government-sanctioned training ground for the prison/military industrial complex, so you can either; a) save us all tax dollars through prison slave labor after you kill for your gang, or spend/waste tax dollars killing for the government; either way your soul is damned (see also: the homosexual conspiracy) - and with that said; now who is the joke on? that's right; the joke is on all of you, and i don't think it's very funny...
NOTE: college education and/or education in general is obviously a good thing, but it also can have its' downsides - for instance; what is seen by some as the 'white superiority complex' is often nothing more a product of overeducation and the ensuing condescension it can bring on -- it seems when you pack a whole bunch of excessive education into someone's head (as opposed to INTELLIGENCE and/or EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE; something i have always naturally possessed) and/or money into someones' wallet; it tends to make them think they are better than those who are less educated ~ and therefore makes them feel they deserve more from government etc as well (watch some of these highly educated people standing in line for water and food after the next big natural disaster; they will be screaming the loudest)
CONCLUSION: though humans often crawl up into their cerebrums; they are still [and/or can be] largely driven by their neo-cortexes...