Friday, February 20, 2009


On 2/19/09 - Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION -- To: -- Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 9:33 AM > i was raised by parents who purposefully avoided gory movies so we would grow up to be well-adjusted -- so why can we all see blood and guts on TV every day on the HISTORY CHANNEL, but not female breasts etc on TV? -- is this some clever way to radicalize our populace and increase military recruitment, or what?
LRE NOTE: 30 sep 2006 / after seeing roughly 10 people get their heads blown off with handguns on network television recently, i had a revelation; the US government allows violence on TV while prohibiting sex; a) as a tool of depopulation - see AIDS document - and b) as way to legitimize their own violent acts -- QUESTION: why would the government not allow janet jacksons' breast on TV, yet allow young children to see people getting their heads blown off nightly on network TV? - ANSWER: because even though a mere breast does not constitute sex - it does to the bush administration; so that's that - IT'S THE SIMPLE DEPOPULATION EQUATION - SO DO THE MATH: SEX and /or SEXY = MORE HUMANS while VIOLENCE and/or WAR = LESS HUMANS and LESS HUMANS = DEPOPULATION - and now with the synthetic biological agent AIDS; SEX = DEPOPULATION as well...
interesting fact: psychological testing is required for those who are a harm to themselves or others; so is american society mentally ill and/or do war supporters need psychological testing?...