Saturday, July 07, 2007


i have lots of evidence that i am being surveilled by a various government and commercial entities - for instance; i have been under almost constant surveillance since starting my only good newsletter in the early 1990s (see: LRE NOTE below) and how do i know this? well...
1) the day after i first emailed then SF mayor willy brown about some political matter, there was a car sitting on the street outside my house, and being the archie bunker-ish bigot that my neighbor mister olenak is; he called the police about an unidentified asian man suspiciously sitting in a car outside his house - turns out the suspicious asian man was a government detective!?

2) when i was delivering BAM magazine at the san jose airport many years ago - the 'illuminati'-controlled media was whipping the public into a divisive, race-based frenzy as usual, so i got fed up at the mean stares i was getting from 'minority' drivers on the road (note: everyone is an individual therefore everyone is a minority) and wrote 'WAKE UP - RACISM SUCKS' in the dust on my back window - a few days later governor wilson ran a TV ad that started out with 'WAKE UP - vote no on proposition 25' etc (i'm not sure about the proposition number, but i'm sure where the WAKE UP part of the message originated)

3) another good example is this; i recently posted
COPS WHO SPY @ in THE BACK DOOR SECTION, and the very next day my neighborhood was literally swarming with about 10-15 sunnyvale police squad cars, and some of the cops were giving me angry stares...

4) another instance was when i recently broke out my recording equipment to record bass tracks for a 'new' song (a song that is essentially a trade secret which in theory should be just that; a secret) it's lyrics were written long ago by my buddy jim - it's called 'you must be crazy' and it's about his parents' divorce - a few days after recording the initial bass tracks, saturn ran a car commercial that had 'YOU MUST BE CRAZY' written in big letters across the TV screen (and there are many other instances where i can prove surveillance as well, in fact; too many to mention)

LRE note: like i said earlier; ever since i started publishing ONLY GOOD NEWS as a mere flyer on the streets in the early 1990s, i have had agency after agency sticking their respective noses into my private business trying to figure out exactly who this lik roper guy has been everything from government agencies to advertising agencies, and the surveillance continues to this fact; the old owner of the now defunct CITY REVOLT magazine (now ZERO magazine) told me during a phone conversation that the clicking we were hearing in the background on his line was a phone tap...the government was apparently tapping his phone merely because of his magazine's edgy name CITY REVOLT...and the first time i published declassified UFO information in my newsletter way before the massive CIA cutbacks during the clinton era when they found out the CIA was in fact training middle eastern terrorists overseas with help from the UK, there were once shady looking 'men in black' types waiting outside of office max watching me leave with my stack of one-page newsletter see; if the government has their way, they control every bit of information that goes out (see: mind control), and here i was doing a free-form web blog-ish type of thing on paper before web blogs even existed, and saying whatever i damn well fact; i wouldn't be surprised if i inspired early web bloggers into existence, as my paper flyer ONLY GOOD NEWS newsletter once went all over the valley with my old BAM magazine deliveries...yes; i invented the internet!...

anyway; all i can say is WELCOME! - WELCOME TO THE UNWANTED INTRUSION INTO YOUR PRIVATE LIFE!...the invasion of privacy into my life has been going on since the early 1990s and likely will continue indefinitely due to my vapid dissent and/or political influence as part of the slow erosion of rights here in america, so now i suppose now it's your turn! - yes; richard nixon may have bugged the watergate hotel - but the bush administration has bugged THE ENTIRE WORLD! -