Tuesday, July 17, 2007


i just saw some new bush administration propaganda on FOX news -- oops i mean CNN -- showing (alleged) al quaeda dudes swinging around on monkey bars, and this is supposed to be our evolving terrorist threat?! what a load of bullcrap that is!? - so this is our excuse to spend $2 billion more dollars per day on a failed war that cannot be won? (there are no winners in war ~ only losers like bush and cheney) how about matching that $2 billion per day on education spending so we can build more monkey bars for our kindergarteners to train them for future wartime maneuvers against those al quaeda dudes?...
EXCERPT FROM THE SF CHRONICLE: Two Cents (.02) - question: where does the al quaeda report rank on your list of worries? - answer: i'm more concerned about the homegrown thugs in elected office and corporate boardrooms who are rescinding civil liberties, destroying the planet, terrorizing immigrants and muslims, bankrupting pension plans, driving up the cost of housing, taking away a woman's choice and destroying people's lives in order to raise their stock prices...