WHY SHOULD ANYONE RECEIVE LIFE IN PRISON FOR HAVING ALLEGED SEX WHEN A COP CAN SHOOT SOMEBODY AND RECEIVE A PAID VACATION? > THAT'S RIGHT!; IT'S TIME TO RUN NAKED AND AMOK! -- i recently heard about a 42 year old man who will be receiving a life sentence for ALLEGEDLY (see: hearsay evidence) molesting a teenage girl a few years back -- QUESTION: why did the person who DEFINITELY killed my brother in a head-on collision, receive only a year and a half in jail, and another license to kill shortly after release? ANSWER: because the US government is one of the most violent entites on the face of the planet (go to: http://misinformation.net) and also quite purposely one of the least sexual entities as well (why? because sex = increased population, while violence = depopulation > click here) -- it clearly does not matter what the american people vote and/or fight for and/or want; [civil rights; sexual freedom; medical marijuana and/or deepened democracy, etc etc etc] much like the chinese government; the US government will inevitably come along and squash our valiant, collective efforts -- THE BOTTOM LINE: we cannot have it both ways; as whenever the US government attempts to 'eradicate' sex; increased violence inevitably appears; but somehow i get the feeling our violent, asexual US government wouldn't have it any other way; as this in a sense provides a much-needed smokescreen for the legitimization of their own military and/or police violence - read more @ http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/ > note: violence does not really matter unless it is wielded against a government 'official'; a teenage girl, a minority; and/or someone else who is considered to be part of a 'protected class' [see: discrimination -- example: men supposedly cannot be raped by a woman; even though many women often act like madoff]; as the US government clearly considers these lives to be more important than any others... > while the US government loves to shame various individuals through use of the media; the truth is: the US government causes more pain and suffering than any other entity on the face of this planet - PERIOD.
while not all modern youths abstain from sex; attempting to depopulate and/or desexualize teens during their sexual prime is not only stupid, but very dangerous as well, as this is nothing more than an accident waiting to happen > not only can abstaining from sex (and/or 'self-stimulation') during your teen years lead to erectile dysfunction later in life (USE IT OR LOSE IT! > viagra etc); but it also shuts off an important energy valve - and blocking sexual energy is precisely what is causing increased youth violence; especially amongst testosterone-driven young men who are ripe for military duty, and perhaps this is why our government is attempting to forcefully shut off the sex valve in our youth; to purposefully inculcate violence and/or increase military recruitment? -- the fact is: women and/or girls often give men and/or boys a much needed self-education that can be severely lacking in a purposefully desexualized society...
QUESTION: why would the US government not allow janet jacksons' breast on TV, yet allow young children to see people getting their heads blown off nightly on network TV? - ANSWER: because even though a mere breast does not constitute sex - it does to the US government; so that's that - IT'S THE SIMPLE DEPOPULATION EQUATION - SO DO THE MATH: SEX and /or SEXY = MORE HUMANS while VIOLENCE and/or WAR = LESS HUMANS and LESS HUMANS = DEPOPULATION - and now with the synthetic biological agent AIDS; SEX = DEPOPULATION as well...
compassion is the new radicalism - HH the dalai lama