EMAIL TO THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY DA: we all know many vietnam veterans eventually admitted to raping women and children while pillaging villages in vietnam, before burning them down with flame throwers; so what is going on here? -- are vietnamese teens considered not as important as american teens, or what? -- many years ago i was out working when i went into a water filtration store and talked to a guy who admitted to raping women and children before burning down villages in vietnam!? -- so are all of these criminal veterans going to run free; or what? -- you know; why do people (for instance) get medals for killing iraqis overseas; while some poor high school teacher who was seduced by his student in a case of loving consentual sex is forced to live out in the woods and be treated less than human? -- isn't that double jeopardy and/or cruel and unusual punishment? -- you know it is; we have just entered a temporal era of severe unconstitutional behavior on the part of government, forever feeding the slow erosion of rights here in america -- sincerely > lik roper -- note: with liberty and justice for some?