Monday, February 19, 2007


this whole terrorism game officially began for the united states back in 1996 with ex-military man timothy mcveigh when the first terrorism bill was signed in congress and when massive federal military cutbacks were in effect - why was he silenced through the death penalty before being allowed to speak his final words, and why was his alleged connection to middle eastern terrorists covered-up? - and how did the FBI and all the top military brass know to be out of the oklahoma city building on the day of the blast? - also; if someone really wanted to do harm, why did they call in about the olympic backpack bomb beforehand? - and why would someone (the 'secret government'?) stage such an event while congress was on break and about to sign an $18 billion dollar terrorism bill? - why were the 911 terrorists allowed to saunter in to a CIA flight training school and learn how to fly jets without any raising red flags? - why was an ex-weapons expert from the US military interrogated by the FBI right after 911? - and why was donald rumsfeld on ABS's nightline on september 10th talking about massive military cutbacks, when the 911 attacks were about to instead drastically increase the military's budget? - why did some of the NYPD who were at the bottom of the world trade center buildings on 911 say they witnessed explosions at the base of the structure right before it collapsed? - why wasn't even one window broken on the front of the pentagon where a jet supposedly impacted, and why was there no massive fireball upon impact? - why was a newly fortified part of the pentagon chosen as a target, when the public had already been told about those fortifications? - was donald rumsfeld being retaliated against by the U.S. military for his proposed budget cutbacks when the pentagon was attacked on 911, or was he part of a conspiracy? - why didn't the terrorists just slam a jet into the crawford ranch in the days before 911 when the entire administration gathered? - why did they wait until the soft targets separated? - why did dick cheney ignore diane feinstein's warnings of an imminent attack in the days just before 911? - why was the bin laden family's jet the only aircraft allowed to fly out of the U.S. in the days just after 911? - why was bush senior at a united defense corporation meeting with members of the bin laden family the morning of 911, and do both families benefit from the increased military spending? - etc etc etc?...