Wednesday, February 28, 2007


VESUVIO'S PIZZA SKATEBOARD INCIDENT - one night when i was riding my skateboard on the old el camino real cruise strip in a parking lot in santa clara right by vesuvio's pizza, i made the mistake of asking a cop passing by what time it was...he then got out of his car then ordered me to leave, so i jumped on my skateboard and started to take off into the street...he then said to stop and come back, because riding a skateboard in the street is illegal!?!...he then gave me a ticket which i contested in court...basically, the cop showed up to court and lied about the whole thing, but i think the judge knew and reduced my fine from $36 to $18 or $16 or something...this was my first experience with a cop lying or misrepresenting himself in court...

CRUISING THE EL CAMINO - i went out cruising on the el camino real on a saturday night with a friend (who has since passed away - R.I.P) named scott back in about 1981...we were driving along when a cop on the other side of the street suddenly jumped his car over the median island and came after us in hot pursuit...he got behind our car and called out the driver's name over his loudspeaker (santa clara police cars had just been fitted with new computer equipment - the first in the nation i believe)

he pulled over and scott jumped out first at their command, then after i stuffed a half ounce of brown columbian weed down into my underwear, i jumped out screaming at the cops something like "what's this all about!?!" or something...they said; "DOWN ON YOUR KNEES! - HANDS IN THE AIR!" - so i said; "ok ok"...about eight other officers had just arrived and they had about eight shotguns pointed at our heads...they said the car we were driving matched the description of a car that had just robbed a liquor store...realizing that we were the wrong people, they looked at us with hateful glares - like they wish they had shot us, and let us go...they never found my weed, and they couldn't without looking like weirdos...

VOMIT LAUNCH - i have an old friend from high school who used to be a champion wrestler, and he told me that one night back in the 1980s (after wrongfully getting involved in a minor scuffle with bouncers while leaving a bar in cupertino) he wrestled a cop for a minute and accidentally broke his arm with a bad wrestling move...oops...this is obviously a bad thing to do, but even worse - as about three or four cops watched (along with a friend that we call 'cueball' - who witnessed the event as well) ben was then held to the ground with a cop standing on his neck and his face down to the pavement, and about to suffocate from his own alcohol induced vomit! - cueball called out to the cop 'stop standing on his neck!' or something...if cueball hadn't said anything about it, ben would likely have suffocated on his own vomit and died...

WHERE IS MY $15? - a friend of mine who was a roadie for a cover band playing in mountain view back in the mid 1990s was approached by several police officers one night and asked for identification...after his wallet passed through the hands of the many officers, it came back to him with $15 dollars missing!?!...

SPEAK OUT IF YOU DARE - i used to write only pleasant things in my only good newsletter, then at one point for whatever reason it turned a bit to the right...i added my first bit of 'bad news' about the police to my good newsletter, and i think someone in the sunnyvale police department did not like it...the very next week i noticed a cop sitting in the patrick henry parking lot while running down at the peterson field...there had not been a cop sitting in the patrick henry parking lot for as long as i can remember when i exercised, and suddenly right after the first time i wrote some 'anti-government sentiments' (in other words; bad news about cops) there was suddenly a cop sitting ominously in the patrick henry parking lot...

then right before running one day, and about a week or so after noticing the sunnyvale cop in the patrick henry parking lot, an asian sunnyvale cop with a police dog was doing everything but trying to sick his police dog on me as i started running (too bad because all dogs love me, but nice try) - also, i had been bringing the local squirrels apples and sunflower seeds for years at the time (and still do) and after leaving my gift of food for the squirrels that day, i noticed another sunnyvale cop out inspecting the squirrel food that i left under the trees, like he was searching for illicit substances or something...

SANTA CLARA COP INCIDENT - a few years back before the questionable new taser weapon was introduced, i first attempted to get the city of santa clara to do something about the speeders in the neighborhood, and had a strange encounter with a santa clara cop shortly after...after i first called the city of santa clara's traffic engineering to get some help with street signage, i got on my bike after intensely practicing drums for an hour, and headed over to my british guitar player friend's house...on the way, i found a dead squirrel and saw another squirrel up in a tree in distress over the loss (squirrels are much more advanced socially than once thought)...i got pissed off and quickly made up two signs saying 'road kill is murder' and put one sign down the street on a stop sign...i was carrying the other sign to my friend's place when i saw a santa clara cop stopped in a crosswalk right where i had to turn...i then sort of sped past his driver's door on my bike and startled him while he was looking down at his notes or whatever, and he turned his car around and came after me...

after stopping me, one of the first things he asked was if he could see my driver's license, when i was riding my bike!...he then pushed me up against the wall, said my pulse was racing and asked if i was on drugs (well gee, i just rode my bike at a hundred miles an hour, i am pissed off about the dead squirrel, i just finished playing drums for an hour and i am being hassled by a cop! damn right my pulse is racing!)...

he didn't like my attitude so he put one hand on his gun holster and took a quick look over his shoulder to assess whether he should shoot me or not...seeing a row of apartments behind him (the lake terrace apartments) he declined to pull out his gun - i then said rather forcefully 'you wouldn't even be here if i hadn't called traffic engineering a few days ago!'...he got a funny look on his face, got into his car and quickly exited the scene (little did the cop know, my british guitar player friend was watching the whole thing through the window of his girlfriend's duplex, right over my shoulder - he was deported a few months later, perhaps in part for witnessing this event)...

THE BOGUS RESTRAINING ORDER - i used to feed ducks right outside my window in the morning, and one particular morning i noticed a neighbor of mine attempting to run the ducks over...the very next morning i went out and tried to protect the ducks from his vehicular assault by waving my arms in front of his car when he was about 50 ft away, but he did not see me and if i did not move he would have run me over along with the ducks...i had been emailing the city of sunnyvale for a few months at the time, trying to get them to do something about the traffic and speeding in our neighborhood, and due to their lack of action thereof, the ducks blocking the street suited me just fine, because i really didn't care how the traffic was controlled, as long as it was...

the morning after this, i stood on the curb and out of harm's way from my irate neighbor, and sort of bapped on his side window lightly as he ripped by...he pulled all the way over to the opposite curb and i went over to his driver's side window, saying something like "you need to slow down"...he then attempted to grab my ponytail and threw a lame punch at me through his half-opened car window - i backed off, got his license plate number and went into the house to call the police, and he then fled the scene...

three officers came rushing over and i greeted them in the street...the first thing the cops did was look at the 15 or so stunned looking ducks standing in the street like they were suspects or something...then rookie officer dischler was given the case, and one of the other cops gave me the most evil look i have ever gotten from anyone in my life (other than santa clara mayor patricia mahan) slammed his door and tore off - sunnyvale police were overworked on the nightshift at the time and they hated their boss, who fired a sunnyvale cop once for suggesting that the sunnyvale PD be nicer to people on the beat (we live in a town with a military base on it, so i think the 'abu ghraib' mentality sort of seeps over through osmosis to the local police or something)

officer dischler went to the front door of my irate neighbor and was greeted by his wife, who then called her husband at work - he corroborated the whole story to dischler and no report was written because i declined to press charges and just wanted him to be warned about his unsafe driving - dischler told him to go around the block the other way and avoid driving by my house...

now, at this point i had been emailing the city of sunnyvale (as lik roper) for about five months or so, asking for assistance with the speeding in the neighborhood, which during the failed internet-boom experiment was about one car every 10 seconds or so...then after almost being run over and assaulted by my neighbor, i then emailed with my real name and threatened to sue the cities over my neighborly mishap...i printed out a few copies of this same hastily written email (which i still have a copy of) and gave a few to my neighbors as well...

over the next few days, my irate neighbor ignored officer dischler's instructions to avoid my part of the neighborhood, and continued ripping by my house, and this time rather threateningly...i called the sunnyvale police non-emergency line to say that i thought pressing charges might be the right thing to do now, and female officer rice was very nice and urged me to just let the situation drop...i called again and got dischler's older brother on the phone this time (the same officer dischler in the GOOD COP blog segment - he has since made up for this by turning out to be pretty cool i guess) i said something like, "i don't want to sue you guys, i just want you to patrol the neighborhood for speeders" - his voice got really low and mean, and he asked me my name and the address where i lived, and hung up the phone...

i gave up on the SVPD at that point, and then attempted communicating directly with my neighbor by leaving a note and one of my lik roper music from outer space CDs in his front yard - i also left a note in his windshield saying something like "you will (hopefully) be charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter - merry christmas!" (the very next christmas eve my brother died in a head on collision, and the charge against the driver who killed him was vehicular this just a coincidence?)...

a few days after giving up on the SVPD and leaving the notes in neighbor's yard, two cops showed up (one of them officer matt beninger) and said "there's a skirmish down at city hall", and then gave me a temporary restraining order (with no authorization stamp on the back) essentially banning me from standing in the street where i almost got run over, or from being in the house that i live in!?! - can anyone say "crooked cops"? - i didn't think so...

now, an old friend from high school happened to come by a few days later and he had lots of experience with this kind of stuff...he was on a citizen-run civil rights task force and had his share of being hassled by corrupt cops in courtrooms, etc - he even had a previous questionable run in with officer beninger (government officials often use cops as thugs to get their way and shove their agendas up our pipelines, so to speak) he instructed me to go down immediately and get my 911 police report as evidence - when the stunned-looking clerk brought the emergency 911 report to me, it was all blacked out (and i still have a copy of it, but it says i can't copy it to expose the police corruption - maybe i'll post it on my web site) hmmm...

i went to the restraining order hearing a few weeks later with my blacked out 911 call report, and officer beninger showed up in his SVPD squad car to stand next to my attacker and his wife during the hearing!?!...not feeling like i had to make any excuses whatsoever about being assaulted and almost run over by my asshole neighbor, i guess you can say that i took the fifth during the proceeding...the lady judge knew that something was awry and said to officer beninger "isn't this a neighborhood matter?" - she sent us off to try and talk it over and beninger made me sit with my accusers, instead of separating us first like he was supposed to...the mediation session then sort of blew up (as beninger likely planned) and we went back into the courtroom - my irate neighbor's wife put on a good act and acted hysterical, and the judge knew i was not going to fight it, so she just sort of ran me through...

she said that i can't own a gun; well, i have never owned a gun and never planned on owning one because i am a real man; she named off an insulting laundry list of things that i cannot do to my neighbors (including molest them, of all things!?! yeh right!) she also said that accepting this restraining order is not an admission of guilt, nor will it be on public record (she may have been doing it to protect my reputation, but it still makes it a little too secret for my likings)...once i accepted the bogus restraining order, the deputies in the courtroom suddenly started looking at me threateningly, like i was a criminal now or something!?!...

beninger got his restraining order and successfully thwarted my chances at a lawsuit against the city (which i never really wanted to do anyway [until now that is] the only language they understand is; "i'm gonna sue you guys") then suddenly got all friendly as we said goodbye after the hearing - i then asked beninger "did you ever talk to officer dischler?" (with two witnesses present, mind you) and officer beninger then said "who's officer dischler?"...

when it was all over, the much-hated sunnyvale police chief retired, and the sunnyvale police were ordered by the city council to take a report for every call, no matter how seemingly unimportant it may seem, because you never know - oh, and my irate neighbor eventually moved away, about a month or so after a large volcanic rock from his front yard ended being up thrown through my neighbor's windshield - the sunnyvale police almost did not show up when called for this...i pretty much gave up on trying to get the city of sunnyvale to do their jobs until...

WHAT EMAIL? - a few months ago as i was gazing out my kitchen window, i saw a lady trying to cross a crosswalk on the street by my house...she waited and waited for all the speeding SUVs full of miniature human cargo to speed by, and i finally got pissed off and ran out in the middle of the crosswalk to stop the cars, much like a crossing guard...this allowed her and her baby to safely cross the street (the same street that the city of santa clara still refuses to patrol, by the way)...

after this, i went inside and fired off some emails explaining the crosswalk event to my usual chain of command (the UN, the president, the congress, many major newspaper editorial columns all over the US etc) and to be sneaky, one email was sent to the city of santa clara and city of sunnyvale with my cross street listed, and another email was to the aforementioned list of major players listed above without the cross streets...the very next day a cop was sitting outside the house, right at the cross streets listed in the email i sent the day before!...

i thought nothing of it until later that afternoon when i went to get a haircut and came back room mate said the same cop sitting outside my house came by and said that i supposedly 'chased a little girl', but the story was later recanted by the tiny accuser...i wasn't there to see the look he had on his face, so i cannot tell whether the cop was being purposefully full of shit as some kind of draconian social engineering maneuver, or just reacting to a bogus complaint...either way, i once again caught the government with their pants down - up to their usual tricks of character assassination - and he never came back again...i always knew the government was half crooked, but i had no idea!...

ACHTUNG GI-JOE! - well well well, it seems that all the important lessons of joseph mcnamara have gone by the wayside for idiot cops once again!...the government gives them jobs straight-outa-the-military so they can take their zombie-like GI-JOE attitudes to the streets (listen up, government; people will be less likely to come forward when they witness a crime in progress, if the cops continue to be jerks about it - read on...) i helped the santa clara police catch some guys escaping a hit and run yesterday because i witnessed the criminals abandoning their damaged car, but while two of three offficers i dealt with were very nice, one clearly was not; he was a real jerk - let's just call him GI-JOE...

when GI-JOE showed up on his motorcycle, he first off treated me almost like a suspect - this guy was like a robot-zombie...i get the feeling he is suffering from extreme post-traumatic stress syndrome from either his police work or from the military (one or the other, maybe both?)...the lady police officer that i talked to first was very nice, and the second motorcycle cop was pleasant as well, but not GI-JOE...after joe arrived, lady cop stopped smiling and being one point i was just sort of standing there innocently looking down at the suspect's car, and GI-JOE barked out an order to step away from the car - whoa GI-JOE, cool yer jets already!...after he took my driver's license number for his police report, he then gave me back my license, waited a minute and asked what i was doing still standing there!?! - he didn't even thank me for my cooperation!?!

(GI-JOE may think he's real tough or whatever, but i can kick his ass at arm wrestling any day, along with governor arnold! - got it mister GI-JOE? sure, you're baddas, but i am badder asser! [?] why? because i am alot nicer than you, i can sing like a screamin' banshee and i can pound on the drums like no other!...and just because you have a shaved head doesn't make you a real man! - it just means that you have a shaved head...dude, you're a macho-man robot, time to lossen up and take your silly self less seriously! - i know, you're a cop, so what am i gonna do about it, right?...I'M GONNA WRITE ABOUT IT, THAT'S WHAT!?!)

anyway, i am always happy to help out, but just treat me like a civilized human being in the process GI-JOE, and you won't have any literary troubles like this next time! (NOTE: GI-JOE followed me to the cosentino's market after writing this)...

BLACK HELICOPTERS - parts of the 'history of CIA covert operations' document were posted on my website @ after midnight one night in late 1999, and the next morning a US army helicopter flew directly over my house at an altitude of about 30 feet over the rooftop, did three circles and flew off - the OGN wisdom quote "the rising middle fingers of true deepened democracy answer to no one" was then born, after i flipped off the rogue helicopter pilots with my middle fingers...

a few weeks later, my brother was killed in a head on collision, a crash that was determined to be an accident, and the vehicle he died in was looted shortly after his death at the wrecking yard...the document that i found on the internet back in 1999 was called - HISTORY OF CIA COVERT OPERATIONS: The Secret Government - Origin, Identity & Purpose of MJ-12 - by Milton William Cooper - and whether or not the death of my brother is connected to the weird 'helicopter flying over the house' incident, this kind of harassment - along with the questionable death of Milton William Cooper - is almost an admission that there is some truth to the HISTORY OF CIA COVERT OPERATIONS document, written back in 1989...
VIETNAM - i suppose the best thing for any good democratic activist to do now is to say things so outrageous (yet true) that most republicans will self-destruct, therefore ridding us of the great republican evil by sending them all up swift boat creek with no shovel; so here goes - in a sense, many soldiers are a dangerous cross between an international diplomat, trained killer, and cop...

1) i was talking to 'the old man with the dog' while cleaning up the peterson field recently, and he told me some troubling things...back in the 1960s he worked in a kodak photo processing lab, and used to develop photos for soldiers in vietnam...he saw many gruesome pictures, including a picture of a decapitated vietnamese man's head with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, among other things...the head was apparently kicked around like a soccer ball...

2) i was out working years back when i came upon a vietnam veteran in a water store...he said that the troops used to go from village to village, systematically torching the huts, killing the men and children, and raping the women - and sometimes finding a wife in the process!...his soul sort of shook while tellin me about this, and it was obvious to me right then that this war thing has got to end once and for all, because of the sacrifice of the souls of men (and now increasingly more women), and regardless of the $15 worth of pot metal that makes up the medals awarded...

3) another account i heard was from a guy named dale who was 36 years old when i was 18...he seemed ancient at the time, and now i'm older than he was then...he was the guitar player and singer of a band i was in back in high school called 'blaze'...he was heavily into southern rock and sang 'there goes another love song' by the outlaws just like the record - no shit...being the young, horny and relatively inexperienced lad that i was at the time, i really wanted to get laid, and dale said "don't worry, once the band gets playing you'll get some puss" - and i did...that's what he said! (i believe in telling the truth) anyway, he said that one time his wife surprised him by jumping out of the bushes by the front door, and he almost lost it...he went down to the gun position and freaked out - she never did that again (he suffered from post traumatic stress syndrome) also; agent orange made him sterile so that he could not have a child, and this caused them much grief...the first day dale got to vietnam back when he was 18, someone yelled 'gook!' and shot a machine gun into a bush nearby...they pulled out a dead body and a tank came in and did donuts on top of the body - once again, this was his first day in vietnam and as he told me, he immediately grew up when he saw this happen...crazy north vietnamese guys used to go around with a piece of wire and two handles on the ends, chopping off soldiers' heads in the middle of the night and putting the heads up on their guns...soldiers' buddies would often awaken to their buddys' head up on top of their gun - some would go crazy and turn their machine guns on their own troops, only to be killed - dale slept with one eye open at all times, even after returning home...many soldiers in vietnam used to be on drugs all the time to take their minds off the bullets flying overhead, while laying in the trenches covered with ants and feces just a few feet over...he said they used to go to opium dens and gell out for days at a time just to escape the war - and many of the soldiers stuffed their GI bags full of drugs and went home with their new overseas connections and drug habits to feed all of their friends and family the newfound drugs...

4) back in high school i had a friend named brett who later went into the military - he said that while on duty in grenada, he witnessed US military aircraft accidentally take out a whole city block of residential neighborhood - oops!?! there goes gramma!?!...ever wonder why some people in grenada are pissed off at america and/or americans?...

5) a guy named james (who later became an mtv cameraman) was the 32 year old manager - rhythm and two finger lead guitar player - and singer of a san jose based band called 'panzer' (we used to practice on talyor street in san jose)...panzer played heavy metal and the german panzer tank was the heaviest tank in WWII, but it didn't matter because some people would make fun of the name and call the band panzie instead, because for some odd reason our bass player wore black tights onstage (james got really mad one night when the band asked him to stop playing guitar and just be the manager - his strong point) anyway, while sitting in a florida bar right after his duty in vietnam as an unemployed veteran, some guy asked him if he wanted to run drugs from islands off the florida coast in small boats for $500 per trip...he agreed and did that for quite awhile...he said that many soldiers kept their connections from overseas and got the best thai sticks you ever saw - the kind we used to see back in high school (the kind that sadly dried up during the reagan era)...aircraft used to drop containers off the coast weighed down with weights and guided by divers to the coastline, only to be abandoned after emptying - but this left evidence that eventually led to the end of this practice (one time somebody found one of these containers broken open on the beach full of thai sticks!) back in the early 1980s there used to be the best columbian gold buds, lots of seeds but way stony weed (hash, etc) high school was great...

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