Thursday, March 13, 2008


The Democratic Primary is still going strong - and the two candidates are focusing their platforms on the occupation of Iraq and the U.S. economy. These will be the cornerstone issues for voters in November.
Peace Action will mark the link between the two on March 19th - the 5th Anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. In Washington they will be Making War Bad for Business. In an unprecedented display of coordinated non-violent civil disobedience Peace Action will join over 30 organizations to take our city and our country back from the Pillars or War.
We would love you to join us on March 19th in the capital for this historic day.
WASHINGTON D.C. MEET-Up! WHEN: 7:30 am or 11 amWHERE: Peace Action Table under a White Domed Tent in McPherson Square Park
If you cannot join the D.C. event, there are countless other ways that you can mark this tragic anniversary - Join a Peace Action event in your area. From New Hampshire to Wisconsin Peace Action activists will be demonstrating, holding vigils, and promoting moratoriums in commemoration of the 5th anniversary.
You can join them by finding an event at the Peace Action website. We will be posting video of all the action on the 19th from Washington D.C. straight to the Peace Action website.
Starting at 9 a.m. we will be posting interviews with activists and the public as well as street theatre shows. Events from around the country will be broadcast live on BlogTalk Radio.
So even if you cannot be a part of an event you can stand in solidarity through your computer from 8 am to 5 pm EST - No matter what you level of engagement, we hope that you will support our mission of peace by sharing this information with your community.
On March 19th it is your responsibility to speak the voice of the silenced majority by taking ACTION against this illegal occupation - Sincerely, Peace Action