Thursday, September 20, 2007


the republicans are on the way out again, so the race war drum beat is being played once again by the racist, elitist media - building developers who funded the bush campaign are laying in wait for a violent riot to profit from once again, and 'minorities' are being used as pawns in a game of class warfare to feed another divisive, 'illuminati'-inspired riot - diverse democratic voting blocs are being upended by this republican attack, and some people are profitting from it (and all the while; white church-going hunters in texas all live in harmony as they go off to church with their gun racks on their trucks)...
BUT! civil rights marches should be to protect the civil rights of ALL citizens, regardless of ethnicity - as just because the african american community apparently tends to find a certain level of violence within their society acceptable, and even seems to go out of their way to protect their violent gang members to sustain a certain level of 'acceptable' violence (see: crime statistics and gang injuctions) there is still no excuse for anyone of any color to commit a violent hate/crime against another...
as a caucasian american, i was violently attacked several times by other caucasian americans, and if i didn't defend myself as i did, i could have a crushed skull etc, but luckily i am badass enough to defend myself (except for the two hateful midget cops which i could have held off with one arm, and while the law does not allow for me to do this, it does allow for damage$ from the various wrongful injuries incurred during the wrongful arrest)...
but! I CANNOT IMAGINE being attacked by several blacks, then having a civil rights march to legitimize the violence incurred against me!? - so where are all the african americans marching for me and my stomped-on civil rights? - why are those violent african american students being treated so harshly while the caucasian americans who attacked me are being let off the hook? - what the fuck is up with that shit? know, i stand up for african americans all the time, so who's standing up for me? - 'civil' rights are largely based upon civil behavior, and violence in any shape or form is unacceptable in a civilized society [Hollywood] and i knew this back in the 2nd grade!?...
the bottom line is this: violence within society largely legitimizes violence within police culture, as one tends to feed the other, so we must all work to stop this violent cycle...
NOTE: but you know; it really shouldn't surprise me that many blacks (as opposed to african americans) are now somehow citing civil rights laws as a way to legitimize the violence against a caucasian american student, which is clearly racist, biased and wrong - as i said before; the black community apparently tends to find a certain level of violence acceptable, so maybe they need to look within for solutions - but! rosa parks non-violently sat down in that bus for all people, and let us not forget this fact - therefore; no tree should be for whites only; and one is not truly free until one is free from violence - racism is racism no matter how you slice it, and no matter which side it comes from - and like i said before; violence in any shape or form is unacceptable in a civilized society...
and to hear CNN's soledad obrien trivialize the injuries incurred on the caucasian american is just further proof of the disparities that exisit in our society, because if that stupid self-righteous bitch got beaten the same way as that guy did, she would be screaming bloody murder right now, so fuck her and anderson cooper for his trivializations as well - in fact; fuck all of you war-happy republicrats down at CNN, and especially that world war III monger, glenn beck...