Monday, March 05, 2007


the US can be alarmed at the republic of china for building up its' military, but you know; 1) who is planning on making more nuclear weapons at the livermore lab while publically criticizing iran and/or north korea for doing the exact same thing? and; 2) who has been working behind the scenes to build up the US military ever since 911? (bush + bin laden = united defense?) and; 3) who is feeding the chinese military whenever they shop at costco, or for that matter; when they buy any inexpensive product made in china, where there is great product workmanship but unfortunately no real democracy yet? - and; 4) who initially drained the soviet union $$$ during the cold war? (ronald reagan) and; 5) who was FBI agent robert hanssen colluding with before 911 which led to the latest US military buildup and the subsequent draining of US financial reserves? (the soviet union) and; 6) who at the pentagon is worried that north korea finally wants to come to the table and talk rather than escalate into warfare as expected? etc etc etc?

those who suffer from cranial/posterior syndrome, that's who!