Wednesday, March 07, 2007


COME TOGETHER OVER ME ~ take me to your leader


did one of the largest x-ray gamma bursts on record occur on december 27th, 2004 as a result of the recent tsunami on december 26th, 2004 when the energies of nearly 300,000 humans and countless animals were thrust into another dimension all at once? it perhaps the hyper-dimensional space-time boundary just north of heaven, magnetic signature of a higher level state space?...the space-time continuum, continued?...

(Two classes of rotating neutron stars—soft -ray repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars—are magnetars1, whose X-ray emission is powered by a very strong magnetic field (B 1015 G). SGRs occasionally become 'active', producing many short X-ray bursts. Extremely rarely, an SGR emits a giant flare with a total energy about a thousand times higher than in a typical burst2, 3, 4. Here we report that SGR 1806−20 emitted a giant flare on 27 December 2004. The total (isotropic) flare energy is 2 1046 erg, which is about a hundred times higher than the other two previously observed giant flares. The energy release probably occurred during a catastrophic reconfiguration of the neutron star's magnetic field. If the event had occurred at a larger distance, but within 40 megaparsecs, it would have resembled a short, hard-ray burst, suggesting that flares from extragalactic SGRs may form a subclass of such bursts) -

50,000 dogs slaughtered in china / 1 aug 2006 - - china's most powerful typhoon in 50 years strikes land / 11 aug 2006 - - israel attacks lebanon with weapons from the united states / 14 jul 2006 - - 2006 north american heat wave begins / 15 jul 2006 - - north korean underground nuclear test / 9 oct 2006 - - earthquake in hawaii / 15 oct 2006 -

>>> someone needs to study the classified dates and times of past nuclear tests to see if any other related seismic activity incurred thereof, and especially delayed reactions like this appears to be - did the energy from the blast cause a plume of magma to well up and create an earthquake a few days later? [a good example is this: when you push an ashtray on one side; the other side moves as well] - underground nuclear testing is much like lighting a firecracker in a bottle; [click here to see an exploded bottle i recently found] -
emanating energy is more constricted and therefore reverberates through the earth, unlike energy emanated from atmospheric testing which has only wind resistance - both forms of nuclear testing are equally dangerous, just in different ways; underground nuclear tests poison subterranean water supplies; and atmospheric nuclear tests pollute the air we breath etc >>>

also; was the extreme weather of the winter of 2005 caused by massive amounts of energy emanating from those taken by the tsunami? - it is said that a human body loses about 21 grams at the point of 'death' - what is 21 grams x 286,000? - do the math - that is a whole lot of energy to be released all at once into the atmosphere - the earthquake that triggered the tsunami released the energy of 100 billion tons of TNT - more than the power of a thousand 1-megaton hydrogen bombs - i did some independent research a few years back regarding this phenomenon @ - so check it out (scroll down to the PERHAPS section)

one of the main goals of my research was to show that collateral damage from distant warfare is far beyond what government physicists care to admit, and eventually bring an end to the evils of warfare etc ONCE AND LITERALLY FOR might not happen until long after my demise, but at least i have planted the seed...did you know that albert einstein's research was not fully acknowledged until 25 years after he came up with the E=MC2 equation?...or that einstein was a high school drop-out like me? a sense; you can consider my independent energy research somewhat of an arcane extension of einstein's work...

> is it just a coincidence that a tornado hit indianapolis' monument circle shortly after 80,000 people attended a john mellencamp concert on april 2nd, 2006? - or that california has not seen such a deluge as the winter of 2005 since the beginning of the first world war in 1915 - or that the winter of 1944 in germany put about ten feet of snow over the whole country and helped bring an end to the war right as thousands of jews were being killed in concentration camps? - what about the cold snap that lasted 550 years and caused the little ice age in northern europe starting back around 1300 A.D., right at the onset of the bubonic plague in europe?...what about that!?!...anyone in the meteorological profession who is still in doubt about this phenomenon should either quit their job or admit that they are just plain closed-minded...

what i am talking about is a geophysical-meteorological-spiritual-astronomical connection...yes, i am saying many scientists are closed-minded and spouting half-truths and all the other zealots in organized religion have been totally misguided - the agnostics can no longer say they do not know - and the atheists are all full of crap...the only problem is that it is way too simple...when society finally sees that i am right, you will hopefully all someday thank me - until then i expect all you unhappy campers to secretly disagree with me from your different camps...

it's time to WAKE UP and breathe in the spirit...
LIK ROPER - ascended master or ass-ended master? -
click here

LRE NOTE: NATO'S latest assault on afghanistan officially began yesterday (the same day the libby verdicts came in) and this type of warfare tends to throw around lots of energy; much like dropping a pebble in a pond ~ the waves ripple outwards and very slowly subside over time, and this always amounts to violent and 'unpredictable' weather patterns - see also: Monday, February 19, 2007 blog post 'THE U.S. IN AFGHANISTAN' - STAY TUNED: in the coming weeks; watch television violence increase as the illuminati drowns us all with propaganda to legitimize their own very real violence - even KRON 4 in SF -- which used to be a 'progressive' station -- has devolved as of late with their own violent programming...

read more @