Saturday, March 17, 2007


i try my very best to write controversial things almost every day, so why won't someone do the government's dirty work and attempt to abridge my freedom of speech, damn it!? i want attention! hey! anybody home!?...

OK - here goes; people in the military basically kill for a living - and i don't trust or respect anyone who feels it's ok to kill another human being for any reason...

anyone who is STUPID enough to be brainwashed into killing ANYBODY for ANYTHING is a STINKIN' PIECE OF SHIT! - and i don't give a crap whether you're a grunt in the US military, or an insurgent gang member terrorist on the streets of america - you know; half my family is dead so i take this death thing very seriously...

i do not necessarily want to be around killers of any shape or form - veterans or otherwise, as i tend to consider them all war criminals for partaking in the act of state-sponsored murder (denying federal assistance to low-income communities is a form of state-sponsored terrorism because of the destabilization it causes) also! do i have to watch what i say to avoid a military commission trial for my vapid dissent? huh? - GOOD LUCK!...

yes, i do not feel comfortable with the fact that these sometimes angry, mentally deranged veterans are going to come back and be out in the bars at night, drunk with hair-trigger fuses, ready to fight and receiving secret trials (if any at all) for their bar rooms brawls; or that we all have to pay taxes for the treatment of their unfortunate mental and physical disabilities for the the next 75 years, not to mention support their families as well - and all for a war that millions of people opposed! (around the world as well as in the US) - i also do not look forward to the military police-state which will be created by all the veterans who will return home to become nazi cops...

furthermore; it is foolish to think the war in iraq is making me or anybody else more safe or secure, when it is in fact putting us all at risk for a variety of reasons; from the national debt which is spiraling out of control - to procrastination and foot dragging when it comes to finding real-time solutions to the global warming problem; every bomb dropped and every day of occupation pisses off more people who could come back to haunt the US later on down the line...something has got to give...

and! did you know that john wilkes booth was trained by the US military, and john allen mohammed as well? about timothy mcveigh? - that's right; some of our country's BIGGEST disasters were caused by military-trained individuals!...

not to mention the fact that many military personnel are in fact gay (don't ask, don't tell? - you know; i have nothing against homosexuality, other than the fact that soldiers often take showers and walk around half-naked in their tighty whitey's together in the barracks, much like P.E. showers in high school, which i always hated - why can't we have co-ed showers in public schools to encourage heterosexuality instead of homosexuality in our young folks?) and the military personnel who aren't homosexual face strict laws against 'fraternization' (see: eunuch) - so what we have here is a bunch of highly-trained, heavily socially-engineered and sexually controlled, largely asexual and/or homosexual killers, laying in wait to murder innocent people in other countries (i'll bet you almost every killer on death row has a 'good' excuse for his or her actions) for new oil supplies and/or profits - gee; if that's not honorable, i don't know what is!...

the bottom line is this; john lennon opposed war; therefore i oppose war - it's really that simple...

(LRE note: the problem i have with veterans is that they are much like a pack of domesticated dogs who come back to their respective homesteads and owners after a wild night ripping up sheep on neighbors' property; as they return smiling with their tails wagging and its' hard to be mad at them, much like cops in officer involved shootings who appear in court in front of cop-friendly judges)