Thursday, February 15, 2007


attacking afghanistan will sure distract from that pervasive old CIA leak scandal, won't it!?...i think mister bush feels the leak scandal loose tightening slowly around his evil little neck, and he is getting ready to make one last gasp swipe at afghanistan to keep us all under his martial law war powers...

and after the last few years of U.S. sponsored chaos overseas, i don't think the international NATO community really cares about the U.S., at least some are likely more than willing to drag us down further into debt and drag our society down with is well known that the europeans are angry at the U.S., so why would they NOT want to use us in such a way?...

i heard bush's speech yesterday and he sounded more down and desperate than this point he is a very dangerous and desperate man who is willing to take us ALL down with him, therefore equally desperate actions are required now on the part of the U.S. congress to stop him...

you see; the illuminati's plan is not complete yet, because this latest generation of youth which have been purposefully made violent in the last few years needs to be drafted into a war to get rid of them as a depopulation measure...

also; conflicts like the one being created in afghanistan can easily spill over into out-of-control chaos as too many cooks tend to spoil the soup (see: NATO) but maybe that's the plan...

we have all been talking about being over extended in iraq, so what is mister bush doing now? - he is planning more state-sponsored terrorist attacks in afghanistan!?...