Saturday, February 10, 2007


lik roper 1/30/2007, 12:24 pm EST - blog posting:

when you get past the lightness of the ‘evil men’ comment, i really see it as a subconscious expression of hill’s frustration with bill and/or men in general…i heard that hillary may have been sexually abused and/or raped somewhere along the line - and/or that she is bisexual, and this likely had alot to do with the ‘all sex is rape’ N.O.W. lesbian-ladies angle expressed during the early clinton administration (and the ‘evil men’ comment as well - understandable as we all need some sort of catharthis) but must all men pay for the sins of others?…i think not…

1) and while rape is obviously an awful thing (rape used to be some freako jumping out of the bushes at night) now nearly all sex is rape depending on what she said it was and/or if he clearly won the argument that night - and this is wrong - 2) and homosexuality is perfectly acceptable as well in my mind, as sex is the most private part of someone’s life and really none of anyone’s business (especially the government’s) - the rise of homosexual rights does not necessarily have to trump heterosexual rights in the process…you know; janet reno was a lesbian, so between her and hill, this led to what i would consider the most anti-heterosexual era ever in the history of america and/or mankind - a bitter payback for thousands of years of male dominance (the vagina really runs everything, but the democrats are upset by this and want to control this overflowing dam of sexual energy)…

anyway, all this came as a slap in the face right after the vagina-dominated mini sexual revolution of the 1980s glam rock era - and with the PMRC going after the RNR industry, shutting it down after 15 years of preparation on my part and many others like the twisted sisters, it made it all look like some kind of sinister plot against RNR or something (so what else is new?) - FUCK YOU U.S. GOVERNMENT!…

in retrospect; women have a tendency to manipulate men, and by putting women into power in government it has shown that women are up to their same old tricks; representing women and children first (ok in an emergency situation and on VH records) and men later, and this is UNACCEPTABLE…represent all people or get out of the profession! - shit or get off the pot, damn it!…

and why is an ‘empowered woman’ staying with a man who psychologically abuses her with sexual disloyalty (you know; if i find out a chick is fucking around I’M GONE! no bullshit)…blahg blahg blahg ect etc etc…